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Horse LaughJokes: Animals

There was a bar with a sign in its window. It read, anyone who can make my horse laugh will have all the drinks they want on the house. So this guy walks in and asks if he can give it a try. The bartender says sure.

The cowboy walks out there and whispers something in the horse's ear. The horse starts laughing hysterically. The guys walks in and the bartender gives him the drinks.

The next night the sign is changed to making the horse cry. The guy goes out side and a few minutes later he comes back in and the horse is crying.

The bartender says 'okay, you can have your drinks but first tell me what you did to make my horse laugh'.

The cowboy said, 'I told him my privates are bigger than his'.

'O.K. but how did you make him cry?'

The cowboy replied, 'I proved it to him'.

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Clean The DishesJokes: Animals

Just after the maid had been fired, she took five bucks from her purse and threw it to Fido, the family dog.

When asked by her former employer why, she answered, "I never forget a friend. This was for helping me clean the dishes all the time!"

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Old MoviesJokes: Animals

Why do Zebras like old movies?

Because they're in black and white!

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